SANYFW Presents Mayyur Girotra: A Showstopping Icon for South Asian Couture


By: Vinootna Kakarla

The first ever South Asian New York Fashion Week (SANYFW) is proud to present one of the masters in South Asian looks and overall fashion prowess, Mayyur Girotra.

Featuring one of his renowned concepts, Zamani, Mayyur combines illustrious couture pieces with intricate textiles from the South Asian lands to create a new global phenomenon of art and designs. His extravagant looks are bound to captivate the audience into the journey of South Asian culture and traditional wear, with a hint of Middle Eastern influence in every outfit. Mayyur Girotra is a maverick of his own from his home country India, being a top designer for some of the hottest influential celebrities & high-end clientele.


Mayyur started his journey in South Asian fashion by heavily researching and visiting India’s countless heritage sites and viewing historical art as an inspiration to his present styles. His timeless looks inspired by earlier eras draws popular influencers and celebrities into his brand all across the Asian diaspora. His brand now features a mix of classy and edgy styles added to the traditional South Asian wedding look that entices spectators with every walk each model makes. His iconic outfits work to “preserve the rich legacy of Indian crafts and textiles.” Mayyur’s work is inspired by many inside and outside the fashion space in present day, with his work featured on international platforms for styling the Royalties of India and working closely with adorning the Bollywood celebrities for their chic looks.


“I really feel honored to represent South Asian couture at SANYFW, showcasing its wistful legacy at an international platform. We proudly present the exquisite artistry from the subcontinent, stately grandeur in a glittering visage.

The brand MG couture has transcended barriers and has been one of the most beloved brands in the USA for 8 years, we are excited to showcase our collection on a runaway this time.”

- Mayyur Girotra


Zamani, Mayyur’s newest launch, features a variety of Indian craftsmanship in every piece. It is a melting pot of various unique Indian designs that captures the audience in different forms. With inspiration from the past, the poignant concept is bound to bewitch the eyes of the beholder and draw them into classical Indian textiling. Mayyur juxtaposes the blacks and whites with the colors of India, beautifully demonstrating the dichotomy between each portion of clothing on the wearer. While he showcases an “endless saga of love,” he allows the audience to create their own story through different designs. We are beyond proud to showcase Mayyur’s unforgettable pieces at South Asian New York Fashion Week this year.

For more fashion takes, check out other articles in our SANYFW blog.